Sunday, February 23, 2014

Worms, Slime and More!

This week in science was full of fun and exciting new things! On Monday we looked at a living hydra under the microscope; we did several experiments to see how the hydra would react. I learned that I have to wait a while to take in results of how the hydra reacts, to make sure the answers are accurate.
On Tuesday we observed the planaria under the microscope. We fed them liver and observed how they moved. We continued on Wednesday with the planarians and observed that they moved either towards or away from the magnet. I learned that planarians can either go towards or away from a magnetic force. On Thursday we started our worm dissection. We felt and observed the outer structure of a worm. The worm had hairs on the outside of his body called cilia and was broken up into segments. On Friday we continued with our worm dissection and explored their digestive system. This was my first real dissection. I learned where the hearts were located, the "brain" and the gizzard. I did not know that worms had more than one heart!
We also had a fun time watching Mrs. Giacomelli get slimed by Zane. It was for a good cause and so much fun at the same time. Zane raised money for his problem-solution project in social studies for Afghanistan.
In thinking about ways in which I can improve, I realize that I can improve on the way in which I analyze my lab experiments. For example, in my lab this week working with the planarians; instead of just observing their response to the magnet; I will think more critically about asking more "why" questions during my labs and the different outcomes. Again, this was another awesome week in science.

I read more about earthworms and their organs and why they have five hearts. The link is attached along with this week's pictures in science.

liver of cow which was fed to the planaria 
poster for raising money to slime Mrs. Giacomelli 
observing the worm 
dissected worm 
dissecting the worm 
Zane sliming Mrs. Giacomelli 

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