Saturday, February 1, 2014

Winter Wonderland!

It started out looking like a week full of science and learning. But we ended up only going to school on Monday. The rest of the week I was stuck at home doing homework and running in and out of the snow. On Monday we observed plant roots and leaves under a microscope. We also had to label the parts of the leaf and root. I learned where the xylem, phloem and stomata are on the root and leaf. In the root of a tree trunk, the xylem makes up the rings.    On Tuesday school was closed because of the winter snow warning. The snow really didn't start falling until late Tuesday night. I spent the day doing homework and watched the game show network. When the snow/freezing rain started in the night, we went outside and played and made snow angels.    On Wednesday I woke up to snow all over the ground!! I was so excited! My dad got the sled out and tied a rope to his truck and pulled us around the neighborhood!!! I woke up sick on Thursday and Friday with a head cold and runny nose. I spent much of the day on the couch taking medicine and blowing my nose. I worked on the rest of my homework over the weekend when I felt better. I thought of ways in which I could improve this week and what needed the most improvement was my ability to control my sled. Next time it snows, and I hope it's soon, I will steer the sled better. I was using my arms instead of my legs. That way I will stay out of the drainage pipes when I go sledding down the street!
I wanted to learn more about how snow flakes are formed and the difference between sleet and snow. I have attached two awesome links!

 sledding behind dad's truck 
more sledding
sledding on my boogie board 
making snow angels 
watching family feud 
corn stem 
bass wood stem  
corn root 

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