Sunday, November 16, 2014

Good Study Habits

This week was a great success for the seventh grade class because we got a good class average on our chemistry test. On Monday we started a new lab. We did this lab to learn about chemical reactions. During this lab we learned that in the product of a chemical reaction,  the chemicals trade places. To begin the lab we used a well spot plate and filled it with different chemicals. Most of these chemicals were some what dangerous so it was extra important that we were careful when handling the chemicals. The chemicals were labeled with numbers and letters to go in the spot plate. After all the chemicals were put in the correct wells we took a strip of magnesium and tested it to see how reactive each chemical was. In between each reaction we cleaned the magnesium with steel wool. This was important because anything left from the previous reaction could throw off the next one. Magnesium did not react with magnesium but the other chemicals did.
On Tuesday it was Veteran's Day so we did not have school. It was good to have a day to relax. On Wednesday we reviewed for our test on the elements which was on Thursday. Instead of the usual grunge ball we played a game were we had to organize the periodic table. Instead of the real elements on the periodic table we were given fake made up elements we had to organize into the table regarding a set of questions. The questions gave us clues to where each element went. It took almost all of class but it definitely helped me learn how the periodic table works. 

On Thursday we had our test. As a class this was our highest average for a test this year. When going over our test I was so mad at my self for the question  I got wrong . I can improve on my tests by rereading the questions to make sure I answer 
every part of the question. I hope our class can continue to keep up the class average and continue good study habits. 

On Friday to celebrate our high test scores we celebrated with donuts and milk. After that we finished our lab. On Monday we did the magnesium strip but on Friday we did the copper and zinc strip. Copper wasn't really that reactive but it did turn black. Zinc was reactive but not as reactive as magnesium. The zinc strip reacted with only a few elements but the magnesium reacted with all but one. When we were done with our spot plate we couldn't just empty it out in the sink because the chemicals might cause a reaction. So one by one we had to pour each chemical in a jar with a dropper. This is just one example of the safety precautions in a lab with chemicals. This week for Science Olympiad I spent about 10 minutes on Picture This  making a list of words for our meeting next Monday. I am looking forward to working with Emma this week. I think we are going to be an awesome team! This link tells why magnesium is so reactive. 

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