On Monday, we started class by taking notes. One thing that I have never realized about the sky is that it is slightly curved. This invisible body in the sky is called the celestial sphere. This sphere represents the fact that all objects are not located the same distance away from the Earth. One thing that affects our lives is the fact that on Earth there are 365.25 days in a year. This results in a leap year every four years. After taking notes we worked on a new activity. This activity involved using scale factor to make our own model of the solar system. We did this by first filling in the distance from the sun to all the planets then determining what it would be on our model.
On Tuesday, we started class by doing a Kahoot. This Kahoot was mainly on space. There were some questions that were in our notes and some that were general questions about space that were more difficult but still fun to answer. After the Kahoot, we took notes. Today one of the topics that we were sure to review moving on was longitude and latitude. This can be very confusing and after reviewing which one was which I understood a little bit more. After taking notes we worked on our lab. Today, we started on the basic outline for our model. We rolled out 3 meters of paper to draw the rough sketch of the model on. We spaced out each planet in accordance to the sun and the scale factor which we calculated yesterday. Tomorrow we will finish the model.
On Wednesday, we started class by doing another Kahoot. This one was mainly about space and the planets and was a little less broad. I do not know the order of the planets very well but that is something I need to improve on before the quiz. After the Kahoot, we took more notes. These notes were on the Kepler laws. The first one describes how planets do not orbit in a circle, they orbit in an ellipse. The second one describes the fact that things closer to the object they are orbiting move faster than when they are farther away. After taking notes we worked on our lab from yesterday. We used the drawing we did the previous day and used objects that would correspond to the planets size scaled down. After doing that we worked on questions we will do tomorrow.
On Thursday, we started class by doing a Star Wars Kahoot. I do not know how this relates to anything we were doing in science but we did it anyways. After the Kahoot ,we took more notes. In the notes, we went over what an equinox is. An equinox is when the day is equal to the night approximately. It happens twice a year and it is a result of the Earth's equator passing through the center of the sun. After taking notes we worked on finishing our lab. One of the questions was open ended which made it somewhat hard for some people to come up with an answer. Tomorrow we will not be at school because of a field trip in which we see pelicans nesting.
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