Sunday, September 21, 2014

Kanuga Week

Interesting week this was! Instead of having a regular Monday we had to get on a bus at 4:30 IN THE MORNING to get to Kanuga. After that we rode for six hours to get to Kanuga. The bus ride to and back from Kanuga was probably the worst part of the trip because it was so long. When we finally got to Kanuga we ate lunch. Just like any camp food there is always something everyone eats all of. In this case it was the tater tots. After lunch we took a hike. Walking up hill for two hours isn't exactly fun for some people. On the hike I had a visitor crawl in-between my feet. A SNAKE!!! It was a small harmless snake but a snake is still a snake. My favorite part of the hike is when we all got to lay down on a rock for ten minutes. Later that night we went to learn about the animals  of the Appalachian wilderness. My favorite animal the guy showed us was the ground hog. After he showed us the animal we got to touch some of them. I touched a snake for the first time and I also touched the ground hog.

On Tuesday we all had to get up early so we could go white water rafting. I had never been rafting before so it was a real challenge. We had Ben and Kenaniah  in our group so we all had to listen to howling and banging all the way down the river. My favorite part about rafting was that we got to jump of a cliff into the water. Even Mrs. Upton jumped. Halfway down the river we stopped so we could take the rafters pictures. Our instructor Tim tied us on the rocks and another raft hit us and knocked Mary out of the boat. Mary didn't fall that far away from the boat so we easily pulled her back in. Tuesday night we had our campfire inside because the campfire area was wet from the rain. We had to create a commercial  for a random object.Our group did Pokemon balls for unicorns. After that we tricked a whole bunch of people to think that they were auditioning for a new movie but really they were just acting and the things that they were doing was all taking place on a toilet. After that we played a game where we had to come up with as many songs as we could with the word baby in it. Our team loss because we couldn't think of any more songs. Then Mr. Simon sang and we had ice cream sandwiches instead of s'mores.

On Wednesday our group went to the climbing wall. The climbing wall was fun and I cant believe I made it up to the top. I was so tired afterwards I just fell asleep on the bus. I had a great time at Kanuga and look forward to next year. We returned to Wilmington around 8pm on Wednesday night. I was exhausted!

On Thursday we worked on our blogs and thankfully Friday was a teacher workday and I was able to sleep in. Thank goodness for a long weekend! I learned that when white water rafting, if you fall out of the boat to keep your nose and toes out of the water. I can definitely improve on being in better physical shape next year so I don't pass out from hiking!

 Advice I wish I had on the bus

mountain ecology

white water rafting

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