On Monday we observed starfish. Although these spiny creatures are cool on the outside, there is not really much to them on the inside. Today we also had a surprise visitor. We had a cat! His or her surprise visit made me think of "Cat in a Hat". The fishy starfish we were dissecting or maybe it was the squid, attracted this feline friend to science! I liked learning about sea cucumbers because of how they moved. I learned that the starfish eats by ejecting his stomach and secreting enzymes to break down the food. The way the starfish eats made me glad we have mouths and teeth to chew our food. I think I can improve by printing out the notes before class so I can follow along and make notes on the side.
On Tuesday - Well today was 'Wacky Tacky Day". It was cool seeing all the teachers in their wackiest apparel!. The starfish dissection was practically my worst dissection! This bony echinoderm was like cutting through dry cement! Apparently there was some miscommunication from the group of what I should cut and what I shouldn't. That was unfortunate for me because no one wanted to cut the starfish because they didn't want their hands to smell like fish. So there I was like a deer in headlights not knowing what to cut. So they told me to cut it like a donut. Of course I thought the metrephoric plate was the hole and the part with the legs cut off was the donut part. Let's just say my starfish was a little "special". I definitely need to improve on the way I interpret the directions I am given and be sure to ask for clarification when in doubt!
On Wednesday we finished our starfish dissection. This dissection helped me learn how the parts of a starfish work. I enjoyed having a visit from the cat; which is ironic because in Explorations we are doing the play Cats. I think I need to improve on how long I take to do my labs. I think I should try to finish more at home.
On Thursday we reviewed for our test on Friday by playing Pictionary. The practice vocab quiz helped me know what I needed to study. Pictionary was interesting. My table especially...Zane's and James Albert's drawing needed some true interpreting. The different ways we reviewed this week really helped me know what to study better. I need to improve on studying vocab.
On Friday we had our test. I think I did pretty well. I had a fun time at the dance on Friday evening. It was a long hard week but lots of fun!
I watched this starfish dissection on you tube.

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