On Monday I was excited because we were finally learning about vertebrates! I've been waiting for this ever since we started dissecting. No offense to all the invertebrates but their body structure is kind of boring. Even though we aren't dissecting a fish, I'm sure Chloe the cat would surely enjoy the fish smell left in the room and visit more often. Learning about vertebrates is a bit harder because they have so many more body parts to learn about. I learned that vertebrates have a backbone and some skeletons can be made of cartilage and some can be made of bone.
On Tuesday we started the frog lab. We opened and examined the mouth of the frog. When I first opened the mouth I thought I had taken off the tongue because it did not look like humans. I learned that the tongue is not attached to the back of its throat like humans but it is attached to its lower jaw which allows it to extend further.
On Wednesday we reviewed the chapter very well and examined the frog. On Thursday we began our frog dissection. I like this lab because it is the closest to the human body we will get. My dissection went pretty well. My group exhibited teamwork and worked pretty well together; this was a great improvement over last week. I can definitely improve on how I assign lab duties and making sure everyone has an equal share of the workload. Our ability to communicate well this week is a great benefit of lab work as there is less chance of us messing up. This was probably my favorite lab because my group worked so well together.
On Friday we had our open book quiz. I thought this was easy because I had my notes but also difficult because I had to keep flipping through to find the answers.
My dad and I worked on Science Olympiad this week. I can definitely improve on working with my dad. I have a hard time listening to him sometimes because he doesn't always listen. We are working on being better listeners.
The link below has a lot of neat information on tree frogs including their sensitivity to their habitat. This week was a long week and I am looking forward to spring break!